Friday, February 24, 2012

Rede Time

Today is Cecilia's Birthday!
But these are not Birthday pictures.  The party won't be starting for a while, and who knows when the Gringa will get back to the computer to photoshop pix and blog about the party?

So here's a little slice of life from last week, before Daniel "found his voice."
Cecilia, Will, and Daniel enjoy some time in the rede.

Daniel likes the hammock/rede.

Cecilia Relaxing

Daniel and His Toucan


  1. Hey - I think I loaded a picture of myself as a blog member- it was a miracle. Now, John is trying to do it.
    WE are looking for Big Steve - wanted him to come over for the Academy Awards. Can't find him yet, still trying.
    Happy Birthday again my sweet Cecilia- and give Daniel a kiss from Josie.
    Love to all....Josie

  2. I will definitely give kisses all around! Miss you, Jo.
