Friday, December 14, 2012

Daniel @ 10 Months

Happy10-Month Birthday to Daniel on December 11, 2012.
Daniel's Official "Tensie" Onesie Photo

Grand Dad may have a new name--"HeyHey"

Gigi and Daniel

Mamae and Papai with D

Vovo Dora and Tia Flora joined in from Brazil
 for the cake, candles, and singing.

Cecilia made a beautiful cake.

Daniel was mesmerized by the candles.
GiGi is teaching him how to blow.

Daniel likes to read.

"Some people think my hair is going to be red,
but I'm not sure yet.  How 'bout copper?"

Daniel likes to shop in the pantry.
(BTW--don't judge!  All the healthy food
is on the other 3 shelves . . . )

Daniel with his favorite toy--
the Busy Ball Popper.

Waiting for the ball to POP . . .

. . . Little Man stands on his own.

He may have a seat, but

he stands back up.
Look Ma, no hands!

In addition to working on his balance,
and cruising around all the furniture and walls,
Daniel has finally grown in his first top tooth.
If you're lucky, he'll give you his crinkly nose/squinchy eyes smile.
Daniel's first words are:                                                       Which translated, means:
    ma ma ma ma                                                                             Mamae
                                                                                                      or I want to nurse
                                                                                                      or Things aren't right.  Fix it!

    gigi (usually in a whisper)                                                             GiGi    :~D

    ba ba ba                                                                                     the stuffed sheep in D's room

    na na                                                                                          food
                                                                                                   especially I want to eat.  NOW!

   banana                                                                                        BANANA!

"I love my Papai, and I'm working on his name too."
Little Man pushes stools, chairs, and his stroller all around the house.  Daniel is 19+ pounds and ~27 inches of BUSY.  He's finally decided he'll go to sleep at night, and stay asleep for 9 or 10 hours.  Hooray!  Hallelujah!

Daniel's pediatrician asked if he likes to eat carrots, and said he is what she calls a "golden baby."  His skin definitely glows from all the butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and other dark yellow veggies he loves.  Will said he looks like he has a Jerseylicious spray tan.

I'm so grateful that this little miracle is healthy, challenging, quick, and strong.  Happy Birthday, Daniel!

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