Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Daniel @ 12 Months

Wow!  Daniel is One Year Old!
Daniel's Official "Twelvsie" Onesie Picture
Cecilia got the best shots of Daniel on his birthday morning--February 11, 2013.  After all, who gets bigger smiles than wonderful Mamae?!
You can see 3 of D's 5 teeth in this crooked little smile.
When GiGi got the camera and started snapping, Little Man was in more of a studious mood.  It's hard to catch him still enough for a clear picture these days, so here are some birthday morning pix.

Listening to some classical tunes

Reading a Peek-a-Boo book

Giving Mae a kiss

Stretching on tip-toe
 BTW--D is totally mobile now, and rarely still.  He squats and rises without any assistance and still loves to play with any kind of ball.  Now he kicks the ball; Cecilia and Will see a soccer scholarship in his future!  Daniel has really discovered the magic of words, and his vocabulary is growing every day.  If he can't say the sounds just right, he can still parrot the number of syllables as well as the tone and inflection.
The little boy in this book looks just like Daniel!

The best picture of Daniel's last monthly onesie

Serious concentration drool
and a good picture of his latest knowledge bump
(center top of forehead near hairline)

Where's Daniel?  There he is!

Cheerios just out of reach

Calling his friends through the window
"BIRR!" BIRR!" always sends the doves
scattering from their feeder.

Daniel and HeyYey
Steve always greets Daniel with a big "hey!"
so the name sticks.
Daniel won't share crayons with HeyYey

but it's a good way to pass the time until Papai gets home
Paper hats and presents!

Silly Pai!


So many things to see and touch and do

Daniel's "Puppa"

Doin' the Hamster Dance with Papai
and a singing, dancing hamster card.

A present from PawPaw Bill and Granny Goose

Books! and Mickey Mouse!
Cecilia made a Carrot Cake from her Brazilian recipe for Daniel's first taste of cake.  If you remember, last month there was an official issue raised with the Birthday Bunny concerning how long a fellow should have to wait to taste his celebratory goodies.  (Everyone but Daniel has enjoyed all eleven of his monthly  treats.)
Daniel's cake has a chocolate glaze
and it's yummy!

Make a wish, Little Man

Happy Birthday!
With much love . . .

Finally!  Let the tasting begin!

Cecilia holds the Skype camera so Vovo Dora can watch
from Brazil 

I like cake!

More!  Mais!

Not a crumb was dropped.
Mamae and Papai are delighted, relieved, and amazed
that Daniel is one year old today.
 Daniel's Birthday Party will be on Saturday afternoon, February 16th.  But the little celebration on Monday night was just right.

1 comment:

  1. Feliz por você minha amiga! Daniel é muuuito lindo mesmo!
    Bom demias essas fotos, é como se pudéssemos sentir a felicidade no ar. Saudades e quem sabe ano que vem poderemos estar perto para comemorar os 2 aninhos dele? Um beijo!
