Monday, May 14, 2012

The Ceremony

Cecilia and Will's Wedding Ceremony

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Paroquia de São Judas Tadeu
Icaraí, Niterói, RJ Brasil

Paroquia de São Judas Tadeu

Before the Ceremony

Jesus, The Good Shepherd
Bronze Statue in Sanctuary

Flowers decorated the aisles.

Padrinos waited to process
while Will got some help dressing Daniel.

Cecilia's cousin Elisa helped Will with Daniel's shirt.

Now, everyone was dressed and ready!
The Ceremony started with a procession of padrinos--people who were important to the Bride and Groom.  That included Mothers, Aunts and Uncles, and close friends from childhood through college.  These padrinos entered as couples from the back of the church, and walked down the aisle to be seated on the first row.  Will and I were first to enter, together with Daniel held proudly by his Dad.  After I took a seat, Will and Daniel watched each couple enter, hoping to catch his first look at his Bride.  C's sister Flora processed and took baby Daniel from Will.  But not before Will saw Cecilia walking toward him on her brother Helio's arm.  With a cheshire grin, he whispered in Daniel's ear, "Look at Mommy.  Isn't she beautiful?  She's so beautiful.  See?!" 

Will and Cecilia at the Altar
(photo by Andre Rochas)
The Deacon who performed the ceremony made a lovely gesture that was not lost on any person there.  A native Brasilian Portuguese speaker, he had translated and rehearsed several parts of the ceremony into English.  It was a very kind surprise to all of us.  Cecilia had been told that the service--especially their vows--must be done in Brasilian Portuguese or it would not be valid in the eyes of the church.  She had practiced with Will, filling in definitions to new vocabulary as needed.

Flora had handed Daniel across the aisle to GiGi soon after taking him from Will. I took off his cute navy corduroy cap; he calmed down and drifted right off to sleep seated in my lap. We were used to a date every morning about that time, and I'm glad he didn't miss our swinging in the rede!  Will and Cecilia joined their lives as man and wife in the sight of the Catholic church as Daniel snored gently.

How adorable is Little Man in his dress shirt, khaki slacks, navy bow tie and shoes?!
They're always cute when they're sleeping, right?

During the entire ceremony, Will's college friend (and Daniel's godfather) Fred used his iPhone to Skype with my Steve, who was at our home in Cypress, Texas.  Fred told me after the ceremony that he hadn't been able to get a high-speed connection since he and Michelle arrived the morning before.  And yet, at the church, he had a strong uninterrupted feed for the entire ceremony.  I told Fred that God wanted Steve to be present at his son's wedding, and God had made it possible.  It was definitely a God Thing!  So, while Cecilia and Will stood at the altar, I was able to sit next to Steve Jr., Fred, and my Sweetie on the screen of Fred's iPhone.  The Bride and Groom took time during the service to greet all the padrinos personally with hugs, kisses, and words of love and encouragement.  Both Cecilia and Will spoke to Steve/Dad who was sitting in Texas over 5,000 miles away.  What a gift Fred gave the Binghams with that Skype session!!

BTW--Steve/Dad is in good health.  The reason he wasn't able to fly with me to Brasil has to do with the pronounced swelling--lymphedema--he has in his left arm.  This is a chronic side effect of his cancer treatment from 1998; his lymphedema is exacerbated by airplane travel and hot weather.

When the Deacon completed the wedding, Daniel was awake.  We had sat down, stood up, and sat again one too many times for Little Man to stay asleep any longer.  As Cecilia and Will made their way back up the aisle, I gave Daniel back to them; and they celebrated all the way.

(photo by Andre Rochas)

Thanks to my brother Doug and Cecilia's cousin Andre for the photos on this blog post.

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