Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Month of Fridays

In addition to our family birthday party for Steve Sr. and Will, and Easter celebrations at Little Gym and St. Max School, we've shared a month of Fridays with D.

Hunka Cheese told us about a brand new park close to our house.
No trees, but awesome climbing structures.
D is showing his "Brave Boy."
It's a deep cut that Mom doctored with her
surgical skills and sterile tape.
Rumor has it that he didn't cry with the cut--
only that he had to stop playing
with his ride-on tractor.

GiGi packed a snack, but forgot the spoon.
Carefully folded, Chobani's aluminum lid works.

Daniel's hands-down all time favorite place to play at GiGiHeyYea's house.

One Friday, Cecilia and Will offered to cook dinner for us.

There are no hard hats in cooking!
Will's just trying to impress the pretty chef.

Is it working . . .?
Maybe Mr. Potato Head's glasses will fit.

One cool windy Friday morning we stopped by the duck pond to see if there were any baby ducks.  We didn't see any babies, but the deer statues were fun to hang out with.

This male duck looks like he has a giant fluffy toupee.
Definitely a bad rug.

D likes to be "ousside."

Daniel and Papai "togedder"

Hat check

Fishing with a b i g  lure

Now all of a sudden, it seems summer is just around the corner!  Afternoons are edging into the 80's.  Won't be long before sprinklers and water play.  Until then, it's still cool enough to take a wagon ride around the lake when the sun's not quite so strong after naptime. 

A hatful of finger puppets are riding too.

"Togedder" is one of Daniel's favorite concepts now.
All the puppets go together with Day-Day.
GiGi, HeyYea, Mamai, Papai, Hunka Cheese and Daniel
all sit togedder for dinner.
Just this last Friday at naptime Daniel took his Baa the lamb and his Pa the pacifier as usual.  Then he also wanted to hold a beanie Bunny, a beanie Robin, a kitty Amiga and 2 soft blankets togedder.  Okay, so we sat in the rocker and, I have to admit, my lap was pretty full.  But Goodnight Moon, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and the Irish Lullaby later--Little Man is pretty still.  A couple of the animals have migrated out of his arms, so I decided to offload them onto the floor.  Bunny down.  Birdie down.  Then D turned his head and with eyes closed he whispered "Birdie?" 

He just tickles my heart sometimes.  Well, most all the time.  Back to our wagon ride around the lake.
Happy to be holding all of them:
 a pig, a cow, a chicken, a lamb,
and a dog in an astronaut's suit.
Even when he got out to pull the wagon,
he tried to hold them all.  They dropped
like Hansel and Gretel's bread crumbs, so
he climbed back in the wagon.
It was more fun to ride togedder.

Here's the ball boy

ready to bounce the backitball with GiGi.

A shady place in the back yard to draw on the fence.
We discovered how to make chalk dust.

Trucks are never far away.
Even the cement mixer that Daniel balanced on this bench.

Dump trucks need rocks now.

Cement mixer

D's play space

A bumble bee that's a wind chime 

This chalk is fun!

Blue hands

GiGi made a tree, a sun, and some stars.

Daniel made some Monet water
for the ducks that GiGi drew.
I'm going to miss playing with my buddy this week because of a respiratory infection.  So sad.

But these cheer me up a little!

Up from seed, our state flower loves it here.

Bluebonnet! Bluebonnet, with your coat so blue.
Your white eyes are shining through the silvery dew.
Don't you love the spotted bug on this coneflower?

Butterfly Guara erupt through the bluebonnets.

Starting to go to seed--see the fuzzy pods?

May is just around the corner.  Wow!  Where is this year going so fast?????

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