Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter 2013

The table is set.

An impromptu Spring centerpiece:
celery and asparagus (from the fridge)
and lavender from my kitchen garden.

The Easter Bunny ties bags of goodies
to the chairs of each adult.

Each place has a dyed egg nestled in parsley and lavender.
This is Steve Sr's egg "place card."
The kids have eggs with their initials.

Since there's a girl in the fam now (hooray!)
the Easter Bunny leaves pink items.

Cecilia's egg "place card"
has the letter C dancing all over.

Another EBunny bag of goodies

Will's W egg "place card"

My place card could have M for Mom, G for GiGi, or
S for Sandy (or Steve, or Steve Jr.--see how confusing it could get?!)
So it's just plain pretty speckled purple.

S for Steve Jr.

The EBunny has a great time scattering eggs
for (almost) 14-month-old Daniel to discover.

D can check out the birds at their feeder outside the window
and find some surprises.

No need to be subtle about hiding places this year.

Well, the blue sort of hides by the pillow.

For a month or so Gigi and Daniel have been playing a game
called "Where's the Knife?"  Now, before anyone calls CPS,
the knife is a small butter spreader that can't even cut butter.
Little Man drops the knife behind the ottoman, and GiGi finds it.
Then GiGi 'hides' the knife somewhere
in plain view in the living room while D watches.
"Where's the knife?" GiGi asks.  Daniel searches,
spies it, and picks it up.  The game repeats from there.
It's GiGi's attempt to prep the kid for Easter.

The highlight of the day for Steve:
Daniel arrives and walks into the room
squealing "HeyYea!"  He toddles to HeyYea's legs
and asks to be picked up.  Arms lifted, D begs "Puh, puh!"
No, the baby is not dyslexic--we all know "puh" means "up."

More squeals ensue when Little Man finds his "bahnah"
and introduces it to his Uncle Steve.
Brooms, mops--anything with a handle--thrills him
and sends him into a rush of "bahnah, bahnah, bahnah . . ."

Hey, bahnah and I found an egg.

Let's pose for a picture
with my bahnah, of course.

Maybe he'll audition for a remake of the scene from Fantasia.
You know, The Sorcerer's Apprentice
with Mickey and all those brooms?

Little Man pauses for some reassurance from HeyYea,
who can fix a broken egg.
Bahnah can wait.

Mamae and Papai with Daniel and his bunny
and his bahnah

Steve films the festivities.

After our lunch of Lamb Curry

Cecilia shares her Easter toy jacks.

Not only are they shiny bright, they can spin too.

An after-lunch snack--Steve Jr. has just one more devilled egg.

Daniel's Easter Bag shares the table with
birthday gifts for Steve/SteveDad/GrandDad/HeyYea.

Just a few days early for his April 4th birthday,
Steve gets his favorite cake.

Famous Chocolate Wafer Cookie Cake
with one discreet candle and a happy little horn-blowing wooden clown
that's probably almost as old as Steve.

Daniel gives HeyYea a flatbed truck that hauls a race car.

A red race car!

Little Man explores his Easter bag.

Some organic bunny jellies,
a book about Jesus, . . .

and a little lamb (who looks a little like Shaun the Sheep).

Easter Blessings!

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