Monday, September 9, 2013

The Word of the Day Is . . .

Hi!  Ola!  It's me, Daniel.  I'm getting to be such a big boy now that I talk all the time.
I know my colors: ed, bue, ellow, purpa, pink, green, brown, gey.
I like to tell everyone about cars and kucksEd car!  Bue kuckEllow kuckGey carGreen bike!  Bike is anything with two or three wheels.  Airpane is up in the sky, and so is cot-terBarco floats on the water.  Everyone needs to know these things.
I like to play outside with agua in the blue pool at GiGi and HeyYea's house.  There are lots of bird and some fowa (flower) and budda (butterfly) there too.  I see grass and green bush and treeAnd ant and bee.
I like to tell my people "xixi" when I pee in my diaper.  This makes them smile a little.  I also like to talk about who has boy parts like me, so I ask MamaePapai?  Mamae says, "Papai ten."  Mamae?  Mamae no ten.  GiGi?  GiGi no ten.  HeyYea?  HeyYea ten.  This is important, right?
Book is one of my favorite things.  Mamae likes it when I read to her.  I like to sing Twinkle Twinkle and Baa BaaAranha and Cai Cai Balao.  It's fun to dance too.  Whenever I see a T or a t, I call it twinkle.
Uh-Oh is one of my favorite new words.  Uh-Oh kacker! when my GiGi drops cookies on the floor.  Uh-Oh! when I see pieces of corn loose on the cob.  Uh-Oh spoon! Isn't that a cool word?!  
I know a lot about food and eating.  Spoon, cup, cool agua.  One day I surprised my GiGi when we were eating lunch together.  She picked up her cup to take a drink, and I was thinking really hard.  I said, "GiGi cool agua."  My GiGi was so excited.  I guess it's a big deal when someone says three words together.
But I like to talk about my favorite foods.  Banana and pasta are the only ones with just one name.  Everything else has two: apple/maca; orange/laranja; pineapple/abacaxi; strawberry/morango; bread/pao; juice/suco; cheese/queijo; rice/arrozGood!/BomMmmm!
There are lots of foods that I don't like right now.
I'll tell you a secret.  It's not really that I don't like foods, because Mamae and Papai cook good things.  It's just that I've discovered something very im. por. tant: I can say no!
I try to eat only my favorite things, but Mamae and Papai don't want to play by my rules.
I know so many words now, that I get all buzzy inside when my people don't understand what I want or when I don't have a word to tell them.  Sometimes they tell me no, even when I ask nice with "mais" and "peeze."  That makes me so mad and sad that I have to fall down on the floor like I'm wrestling with someone.  I growl.  I cry. I kick.  My people just stay all calm.  What's that all about?! 
I hear my people talk about the Terrible Two's--whatever that means.  My GiGi tells me I will be two in February, but I don't know what that means either.
I just know that I'm a big, big boy. Want to talk?

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