Thursday, April 12, 2012


One of the Gringa's favorite delights in Niterói is the juice I get from a little café around the corner from Cecilia and Will's apartment.  Compão  has a list of fresh juices a block long: pineapple, orange, melon, passion fruit, mango, cashew--yes, cashew!--lime, acerola, acaí,  . . . if it grows, they have it.  Also, you can mix several and even add some fresh herbs if you like.  There's where my favorite comes in:  watermelon with mint.

I remember feasts on watermelon in Texas summers. Barefoot and face first in a big wedge of the sweetest, coldest heavenly pink. Bright green rind was the only platter needed. If I held it just right, I could eat all the flesh and not spill a drop of juice; then I'd slurp the juice down--still cold--for a second treat. Oh, yeah.

Compão's watermelon juice takes me right back to those lazy days when dress for the day was shorts and a crop top. It's cold and refreshing.  Not watered down or processed, just good old watermelon with a little peppermint blended.  I don't get sugar in mine, though that's an option that many Brasilian tastes prefer. Why would anyone put sugar or salt on watermelon? Guess that's another topic for debate.

I just enjoy walking past Compão on my way to the market or fruit stand.  Take a look.
Patterned Sidewalks and Compão's Canopy

It's an open-air café under a roof.

Cool chandelier reminds me of Carmen Miranda.

Marquetry Design on One Wall

Makes me smile!

Marble arched entrance is more for decoration,
since you can walk in from the open sides.
 Compão's decor is pretty spiffy for a juice and sandwich shop.  We stop there maybe 3 or 4 times a week.  When you come to visit, I'll take you for a juice at Compão. I can't promise I won't slurp.

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