Monday, July 12, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is so much fun.

I get to work behind the scenes, helping get the kids registered and in the right group; counting noses to report to crafters and snack providers; general go'fer things.

One year I met the preschool teacher in the hall every time I turned around. She had a little guy in her room who needed Mama, so we passed tissues and damp rags to cool his weepy eyes. I called home while holding him and petting his sweet little red head. There was also the chunky pre-teen fella' who got a 'stomach ache' conveniently every day at recreation time. We sat in a cool room (where his 'stomach ache' usually subsided enough to have at least one or two helpings of whatever snack was available) and he told me the most amazing scientific facts about germs. If it were possible, I think he'd be a doctor by age 18. I do love being with the kids. Last year one girl asked me, with both words and her huge brown eyes, to pray for her big sister who was serving in the Army in Iraq.

All the VBS songs have lots of arm movements and are very aerobic in nature. Of course, being a Baptist event, there's no dancing; but almost. Oh, and here's a head's-up: when the recreation leader needs dice to designate a number 1 through 6, it's called a "numbered cube!"

VBS is so much fun! It's like being thrown in a huge jar and shaken around for 4 hours. After "Toady's Wild Ride" each morning this week, I'll have a lot to look forward to: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk; a nap in the sheer luxury of a quiet, cool room; and getting up tomorrow morning to do it again.

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