Monday, February 27, 2012

Call Emily Post

My dear friend Jo is the first-time grandmother of twin boys Jack and Luke. Their original due date was the same as Cecilia's, but they made it here miraculously safe and sound about 4 weeks early. Jo's husband John, stepfather to the twins' Dad (follow that?), is enjoying all this baby stuff for the first time in his life. Corresponding with me via email from time to time, John, aka Poppi, usually basks in the glow of their latest visit to help with the boys.

One day he mused, "I wonder if it's rude to stare at the babies while they're sleeping?" Well, if that's rude, you'll have to call Emily Post on me too. And if you want to join me in Time Out for the Politely Challenged, here's a sleeping two-week-old Daniel.

Okay, I lied.  He's not sleeping, but I wanted you to see his best impression
of Grandfather Garcia (as Dora says).
Also note the cut-off sleeveless 'wife-beater' Onesie.
It's hot in Brasil!

Happy Dreams

Just about to drift off to dreamland
in Mommy's arms.

One last awake picture so you can see his pretty eyes.
Baby Buddha drifts away.

Long arms and legs all tucked up.

Grandfather Garcia
stirs in his sleep.

Not bad, asleep in a hammock
with a cooling breeze and the sound of waves outside the window.

Little Man

Who's in heaven?!
Caught in the act of rudely staring at a sleeping baby.
Guilty as charged, Emily Post.