Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pra Vovo Dora

I think a lot about Daniel's Grandmother in Brazil.  Vovo Dora is a long, long way from her daughter and grandson.  Sure, they get to Skype, but there's nothing that takes the place of real face time.
I hope these random pictures help ease their separation.
Vovo, here's my new play space at our apartment.

Going in!


Vovo, here's my new booster seat.

I already had my lunch, but Texas barbecue is too good to pass up.

There's always something to see and touch
in GiGi's garden.

I get to help HeyYea feed all the birds.
GiGi told me that when I come to visit you,
I can feed monkeys.  Wow!

Bird seed feels really neat.

GiGi says I need a sandbox--whatever that is.

When I'm outside, I like to help a lot. 

This borboleta/butterfly is a wind chime.
When there's no breeze, I can still make it chime.

Plus, I can take it on a walk.

It's just the right size, and it makes music while I step.

Sometimes I protest when Papai has plans that I don't agree with.

These big colored buttons help me pretend when I'm cooking.
HeyYea thinks I might be a chef when I grow up.

Papai helps me figure out how to make my truck go.

Someday my legs will be longer and I'll make it go by myself.
Now it's fun to tuck my legs up and get a ride.

I can touch one foot on the floor.

The truck makes sounds when I push buttons on the dashboard.

Here's my snack.  We call it frutinha, right Vovo?! 

Papai lifts me up for a preview.
(My shirt is wet from drooling a lot.  There are a couple of teeth
that just won't break through yet.)

I'm studying GiGi's big black camera.
Vovo, can you see my birdbath and bird feeders just outside the window?
I can walk right up to the window to talk to the birds.

This camera is very interesting.

I just heard it beep and click!
And, by the way, my frutinha was really good.

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