Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monkey Business

On Easter Sunday, Will, Cecilia, and the Gringa were invited to go to São Francisco to have a light lunch with Dora and hang out for the afternoon. We packed up Daniel and some sweet treats that Cecilia made, loaded up our cab, and headed out. I thought we would be the only ones there at Dora's hillside home, but I was delightfully mistaken.

About an hour after we arrived, I heard the micos chirping outside. Cecilia and I grabbed a banana, and headed halfway down the hill. Following the distinctive kissing sounds of a group of foraging monkeys, Cecilia led me to a patio canopied with the tops of trees from the street level. "Be careful," she cautioned.  1.  The patio had no railings.  2.  We would be looking and reaching slightly above our heads.  And 3.  We were accompanied by one of Dora's dogs--an animated Yellow Lab mix (is there any other kind of Lab but animated?!) named Gracie--who was just as enamored of the furry chirpers as the Gringa was.

Maybe happy Gracie thought I was talking to her when I started chirping and stretching a peeled banana above my head to entice the brave little long-tailed critters. She weaved around under our feet and 'helped' Cecilia and me feed the growing crew in the canopy. Thankfully, we all stayed put on the patio. I had my camera, and soon had some great shots of our dinner guests.
The Gringa makes an offer.

One watches Gracie, while the other watches the banana.

Teen gets a treat.

Enjoying Easter Dinner

Two Baby Micos

Just cutting his teeth on a banana.

"Thanks, Gringa!"
After a few minutes, the Gringa realized that these micos had every reason to jump from the tree above my head, and actually land on me--the source of their banana. It creeped me out a little. The males were especially brazen, and when each mini-monkey stared me straight in the eye with its pale brown peepers, it felt very Planet of the Apes. I was grateful that Gracie's Lab genes kept her totally engaged in the activity, and that the micos were cautious of the yellow friend at my feet.
Planet of the Apes moment in miniature
Cecilia went back up the hill to get more bananas, especially since she discovered something she'd never seen before. Three babies on their mother's back!
Mom--the minivan--unloads her three passengers.

We had seen what I thought were babies, but they turned out to be teens--not yet decked out with full markings and white-whiskered ears, and slightly smaller than the adults. But the bay-beez!! So cute. I decided to try filming with Will's camera. Here's what ensued.

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