Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Q and Jewel Revisited

On Easter Sunday we packed up Daniel and some home-made goodies for a trip to Cecilia's Mom's home in Sao Francisco.  We were invited to come early for a light lunch and visit.  For Will and Cecilia, there was the added benefit of seeing their former roomies, Q and Jewel, in exile.

Let me refresh you with the back story.  (You can also check out two other blog posts for more info.)  One Sunday afternoon after discovering yet another surprise protest on the living room couch, Will and Cecilia decided that both the guilty party--Q--and her sister Jewel would make the move.  Q has had this unbreakable nasty habit since Cecilia moved in with Jewel in California.  But now that baby Daniel (aka "The Screaming Blanket") also crowded Q's space, she was out of control.  A sad but angry and determined Will packed both their furry behinds in a taxi and took them to live with Dora.

Several of you have asked about the cats, so the Gringa has an up-to-the-minute report!

They love their new home, and have trained and adjusted their new people very well.  Jewel has a soft new blanket on her favorite patio table perch; Q goes out every day to hunt the land surrounding the house.
Jewel (l) and Q (r) relax in their new space.

Jewel has a sunny patio on which to practice Kitty Yoga.

Q has a couch in the breezy shade.

Will is trying to coax Q from her hiding spot under the couch.

Q, relaxed and happy,
reassured Will that she goes hunting every day.

Jewel is no longer the fraidy cat, but enjoys greeting everyone.
The house is always open, so they come in and out--
within limits, that is.

Old Atreyu, the alpha male of the house,
may only have one good eye,
but he keeps the newbies under control.

Atreyu greets Q with a serious warning.
"I'll jump on you if you get too uppity."
Q gives Atreyu a cold shoulder.
She hisses and bats at him when he walks by,
but doesn't waste a lot of energy on the old man.
So, you can rest easy that Q and Jewel have made the move and are alive and well, in exile in Sao Francisco.

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